MARC Records Overview


The Video platform provides MARC Records for use in your catalog system.



About MARC Records

The Video platform provides MARC Records for use in your catalog system. If you are unfamiliar with MARC, it stands for Machine Readable Cataloging and is a standard format for bibliographic records. For additional information about the MARC standard, visit:


The MARC files provided here utilize the MARC21 UTF-8 character set. At your discretion, MARC records can be converted using MarcEdit software available at:


Please contact your cataloging system support for additional assistance.





Downloading MARC Records

MARC Records are available to account administrators and can be found under the MARC Records button of the My Resources section of the Administration Portal. They can be created and downloaded in a few different ways. Using the Generate New Records button is the easiest way to get a batch of all the of records added since your last download. It will include everything that has been added since the date that appears directly below it. For first time users, pressing this button will create a batch that includes all available records.




Custom batch options are also available, using the MARC Records creation tool:






MARC Record batches can be generated in one of four ways:

  1. By Date: Enter your desired date range and the tool will return all MARC Records created during that timeframe. It’s important to note that these dates refer to the MARC Record creation date, which may or may not align with the date that title was added to collections. This option also provides further filtering options for specific Collection, Subject, and Producers.
  2. By Item #: Input specific title item numbers, separated by commas. This is ideal if you only need to obtain records for a single title or a specific handful of titles.
  3. All Records: This will return all MARC Records available to date, with the added option to filter by specific Collections/Subjects and Producers.
  4. New Records Only: This will return all titles added since your previous download. This is ideal for first time users who would like to obtain all available records at once, and also for long time users who are logging in and downloading the updates incrementally.


Once you have decided on your batch retrieval method, filter options, etc. you can enter a custom filename. If you do not enter a filename, a generic name will be assigned. The final step is to click the Generate File button. Note: large batches can take several seconds to a minute to generate.



When the batch file is ready it will display in the table below:






  • To download the file, click on the Download File hyperlink. The last download date will always display in the Status column.
  • For information about the batch, click on the (i) icon in the description column for details including title count, date range and any applied filter options.
  • Legacy MARC users will still be able to download their old MARC batches via this table.


Administrators will receive an email notification when the new MARC Records file becomes available. If you are not receiving these notifications, please contact Technical Support. There will also be an alert posted on the Administrator Portal Dashboard, in the Notifications area.


Note: We currently do not offer full MARC record access for trial accounts. Please contact your Sales Representative to receive sample MARC files.

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